
Use of information: This website and any of the links it contains are solely for educational, informational, service and product description purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of these products or services are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No information posted or provided on this site is intended to provide any medical service. Patients can only receive medical evaluation or treatment based upon face-to-face office visits with Armen Nikogosian, M.D., physicians at his office, or their own physician. The educational services offered by Dr. Nikogosian and others on this site are intended solely to provide information and are not to be mistaken as diagnosis or treatment for any health condition or as a substitute for professional guidance. Visitors with medical conditions should receive medical care provided directly by Dr. Nikogosian at his office or by a physician involved in your care. You should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information from Dr. Nikogosian or this website. Always seek the face-to-face advice of a physician or other qualified health professional before making any change in treatment or discontinuing any medications.

No Doctor Patient Relationship: The information provided by Southwest Functional Medicine (SWFM), the Autism Biomed Center (ABC) and Armen Nikogosian, M.D. on this website or in response to questions is not intended to nor does it create a doctor-patient relationship with any user. This website does not provide medical diagnosis, treatment, or prescriptions of any kind. All information provided on SWFM/ABC or by Dr. Nikogosian or in connection with any communications supported, other than for patients established by a face-to-face visit, are intended to be for general informational purposes and in support of healthy lifestyles. Nothing on the website or in the SWFM/ABC program is a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.